BB Fertilizer Development Prospects

BB fertilizer is a kind of new fertilizer developed in China in the 1980s, which indicates that China’s agricultural fertilization and fertilizer production has made great process.

With the continuous development of agricultural production, farmers have also improved the level of scientific farming and scientific fertilization and they realize the profound meaning of “more fertilizer, more produce” .  In addition, the concept of fertilization is continue changed and developed. u=2938481750,2543040082&fm=21&gp=0In recent years, the requirement about fertilizer are changed from a single nutrient fertilization to more nutrient fertilization, from a single application of phosphate fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer to the application of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium nutrient fertilizer, from the low concentration of fertilizer to the application of high concentrations Multiple compound fertilizer.

The old thinking of “if farmers want to win high yield, they must rely on the United States diammonium fertilizer” has outdated. With the development of scientific fertilization in China, the food production has improved from the past two or three hundred kilogram to today’s two or three thousand kilogram. That is unimaginative. Of course, all success we achieve is relative to the development of fertilizer. In this time when Chinese economy developed rapidly, all fields in the pursuit of high efficiency, low consumption, agriculture is no exception. In the past two years,  agricultural market information has told us that farmers call us to produce for them BB fertilizer with high concentration(45%, 50%, 55%). This shows that farmers not only recognize BB fertilizer, but also in the pursuit of high concentrations of BB fertilizer because high concentrations of BB fertilizer is low consumption and high yield. BB fertilizer is a kind of compound fertilizer with different processing method.

In China, BB fertilizer is a kind of fertilizer developed with other compound fertilizers, but in the past, the production level is low and the development rate is slow so that annual production of BB fertilizer takes account of 15 percent of compound fertilizer production. However, in America, BB fertilizer production and sales accounted for about 85% of all fertilizer from which we learn that there is a lot of chances for BB fertilizer development.

Over the past two years, with the requirement of high concentration fertilizer upgrading, there are still many problems about granulation and drying process of u=4251978689,1278915273&fm=21&gp=0compound fertilizer (45%, 50%, 55%) which will lead to high consumption, low efficiency, high cost and also will make the market need of high concentration fertilizer degrade.

The production of BB fertilizer is different. Compared with the production of low concentration compound fertilizer, high concentration BB fertilizer production and processing costs will not only increase, but will be reduced accordingly. Therefore, in the compound fertilizer market, BB fertilizer market must play an important role. It is easy to see that the increase requirement of high concentration compound fertilizer gives a new opportunities to the BB fertilizer production.

In addition, BB fertilizer production process is simple and it is also adaptable to the production of special fertilizer which has changeable formula. In recent years, Chinese government has invested a lot of financial resources in the fertilizer field to provide superior quality and raw material. Therefore, BB fertilizer production market is predictable.

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