The Economic Benefits of Organic Fertilizer Production Line

Organic fertilizer is the organic materials like manure or straw used for fertilization which includes manure, composting and so on. It mainly comes from plants or animals, as well as it is a kind of carbonaceous material with the function of providing plant nutrient to soil. It is mainly composed by下载 these materials have eliminated the toxic and harmful substances like biological substances, animal and plant waste or plant residues from processing. It contains a plenty of wholesome substances: a variety of organic acids, peptides, nutrient elements of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. It can not only provide comprehensive nutrition but also has lasting fertilizer effect. In addition, it is also beneficial to increasing and updating soil organic matters, promoting microbial reproduction, improving soil physical and chemical properties or biological activity. It is the main nutrient of green food.

With the stable development of the economy, there are a variety of negative factors on the environment like air pollution, soil compaction, soil alkalization, livestock and poultry manure pollution. These negative factors have a direct influence in the development of agricultural production and the quality of people’s life. The state from a long-term economic strategy, made a policy of energy conservation andu=4020317262,599721341&fm=21&gp=0 environmental protection and economic development to encourage or limit the development of related industries so that make our nation have a steady economy, live environmentally. Land is a valuable asset for people to survive, especially cultivated land, it is the strategic resource for people of China. People pay much attention to it because it is the necessary part to maintain the survival of people. The advantages of soil properties are closely related to people’s lives.

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