Conservation and Management of Lawn Dormancy

When the winter comes, the law will get into dormant period and also will in extremely fragile state so that will be damaged easily. Therefore, we should take the lawn protection sign and strengthen the personnel20151023130036_69333 inspection to prevent trampling of pedestrian and rolling of vehicle. If the ground part of lawn was trampled in the dormant period, the underground part of the law will be damaged even to die so that affect the law turn green in the next year. After the temperature rises, some of the lawn will be sprouted, the lawn began to till, in this time, the law fear of trampling, because trample will result in soil compaction or lawn bald.

Do a good job of lawn conservation and management. Take a comprehensive statistics of production labor, plant protection, fertilization, sprinkler irrigation, cutting grass, weed and other work. Compared with the original plan to see what work is not completed, which work needs to be improved, we will prepare for the annual production plan, budget, purchase materials, pesticides, fertilizers, equipment, facilities, etc., and make preparations for this year’s technical measures. In the arid areas where have a lot of sandstorms,  the lawns should continue to fill the frozen water.

In addition to the above measures, to protect the lawn of dormant period also need reasonable fertilization.

Cold season in the dormant winter, you can increase the amount of organic fertilizer of lawn to improving the soil structure, promoting soil microbial activities,u=2425178701,373327891&fm=21&gp=0 improving the ground temperature, enhancing soil fertility and reducing disease. All localities should be combined with local climate factors and local conditions to apply the fertilizer flexibly. When we take top dressing, we should fertilized evenly, to avoid the “spot”; pruning the lawn before fertilization and watering immediately after fertilization.

For the late planting lawn in the winter dormant period, we can cover with non-woven fabrics, plastic film, ash or straw to prevent frost damage. Winter dormancy period of the lawn to the dry season, people should pay much attention to the places where have lot of person to avoid fire. In addition to doing a reasonable pruning before winter, we should also remove the thick grass mats and clean up the litter on the lawn, these flammable substances are easy to cause a fire.

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