Four Key Points of Fertilizer Selection 

The duration of the fertilizer

Fertilizer duration, also known as the effectiveness of fertilizer, but is different from the validity of fertilizer. Fertilizer duration of fertilizer is the effective time of fertilizer.

The northern orchard, basically have the growth and下载 dormancy period. During the growth period, the growth rate and nutrient cycle of fruit trees is fast, so we should apply quick-acting fertilizer timely. During dormant period, fruit tree nutrient cycle will stop and growth will be slow, we should use the fertilizer with lasting efficacy, and can not use quick fertilizer to avoid frost damage.

Autumn fertilizer, also called the base fertilizer should be organic, long-term, slow release, comprehensive. The period of validity of whole nutrient fertilizer: organic fertilizer (long-term) + inorganic fertilizer (quick) + beneficial bacteria (synergistic) should be more than three months to ensure the nutrient supply for fruit trees in the winter. The application of inorganic chemical compound fertilizer should be coated with bacteria sulfur or add slow release factor, so that nutrients can volatile slowly, otherwise, fruit trees are easy to be frozen.

Fertilizer content

Fertilizer content is not important, but the absorption rate and utilization is important.

Fertilizer is the food of the fruit, simply to the pursuit of fertilizer content is not scientific. If the soil has lost the ability to break down and convert, fruit trees have lost the ability to absorb and use, the high content of fertilizer will be useless. If weathered coal not have the process of ammoniation, acidification and other special process, the high organic matter and humic acid can not be used by crops; if calcium is not organic and mobile, it will be fixed; Phosphorus combined with zinc in the acid is poison which will damage the soil, pollute the environment.

The amount of fertilizer used

There are a lot of people to buy fertilizer, look at the size of packaging, weight, amount, rather than pay attention to fertilizer raw materials, technology, activity, ratio and technology content.

The amount of fertilizer to be divided by latitude, 下载season, altitude, terrain, soil, variety, yield, tree ages.

The substrate of the fertilizer

The elements of fertilizer are calculated in accordance with the “percentage”, the remaining “percentage” is the fertilizer matrix, but also the carrier of the element, it is divided into acidic, neutral and alkaline.

Soil quality is different, some people will not pay much attention to the kind of fertilizer matrix. Due to a large number of long-term use of chemical fertilizers, the soil has became worse.

Northern alkaline soil, to use the acidic matrix of fertilizer, the southern acidic soil, to apply alkaline matrix fertilizer. Biuret exceeded, with high chlorine fertilizer, will lead to great damage to the fruit trees, may cause the risk of fruit trees to destroy. There is no high content of organic matter, can not maintain the food sources and breeding of a large number of active beneficial microbial activity. Water soluble fertilizer is not good, there are residues and suspended solids, crops will be difficult to absorb and use.

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