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It is applied to granular NPK fertilizer with 3 or at least 2 in 3 plant nutrient are made by dry blending method;

It is applied to one or more than 1 granular compound fertilizer mixed with granular nitrogen(Large-size Granular Urea), granular phophate(Ammonium Phosphate) and granular potass fertilizers. And new standard on bulk blending fertilizer appropriately raises the threshold in mixed fertilizer industry and lays a good foundation for promoting fertilizer market regulation.
Terms and definitions on secondary nutrients;
The selection of nutrient determination methods and the limit requirement of toxic and harmful substances;
Granular size and granulity;
Refine the content, detection and labeling of chloride ion;
Modify" Drug Collection" to "Sampling"

Bulk Blending Fertilizer

Blended fertilizer features with easy processing, flexiable production and low production cost,nutrient ratios can be adapted to the needs of micro-field regulation or specific crop. BB fertilizer has more advantages in processing, saving and applying than compound fertilisers.