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BB Fertilizer Machine Mixing Producer

BB Fertilizer Machine Mixing Producer
Description of  BB Fertilizer Machine Mixing ProducerEnquire

BB Fertilizer Mixing Machine Producer

BB Fertilizer Mixing Machine (bulk blending) is a technical process that offers a customised balance by adjusting fertiliser inputs to crop requirements. In the right proportion, the mixing machine must provide: Major nutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K).

Introduction of BB Fertilizer Mixing Machine

The belt-scale batching and fertilizer blending line is technologically advanced and highly automated, which allows a mass production, accurate packaging and easy operation. In the design, the labor intensity for fertilizer feeding has been fully considered.

BB Fertilizer Mixing Machine ProducerBB Fertilizer Mixing Machine Producer


1. Equipped with advanced fertilizer manufacturing technology
2. Highly accurate packaging system
3. Run smoothly
4. 128 kinds of fertilizer formulation for customers
5. The batching machine system and packing machine are controlled by PLC computer to realize automation
We have taken full consideration of user's experience on designing and manufacturing.


BB Fertilizer Machine Mixing Producer

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