Many Fake Fertilizer In The Market, Try Not To Buy Such Fertilizers

Many Fake Fertilizer In The Market, Try Not To Buy Such Fertilizers

Another batch of unqualified fertilizer products have been exposed, including water-soluble fertilizer. Farmers are not easy to buy fertilizers, so for fake products, we must firmly say NO!

Water-soluble fertilizer is a kind of compound fertilizer that can be completely dissolved in water. The utilization rate of crop absorption is 2~3 times higher than that of common chemical fertilizers. It plays an important role in improving the utilization rate of fertilizer, saving agricultural water, reducing ecological environmental pollution, improving crop quality and reducing labor force.

Due to the simple production equipment and technology of water-soluble fertilizers and the large number of small production enterprises, some of which have no product inspection ability, backward production technology and weak quality consciousness, the quality of water-soluble fertilizers on the market is uneven. The identification of true and false water-soluble fertilizers should pay attention to the following points:

Firstly, see the nutrient content of each element on the packaging bag.

According to the standard of water-soluble fertilizer with a large number of elements, the content of single nutrient of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should not be less than 4%, and the sum of the three elements should not be less than 50%. If the label of a certain element with a large number of elements is less than 4%, or the sum of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is less than 50%, it indicates that such products are unqualified.

High-quality water-soluble fertilizers with a large number of elements have very clear identification of the guaranteed ingredients (including a large number of elements, medium elements and trace elements), and they are all single labeling, so that the nutrient content is clear and people can rest assured when using them.
Informal manufacturer nutrient content is commonly used in the sum of n, p, k content a few percent such words appear.
If so label on bags, that explain unnormal product.

Secondly, see the product formula and registration of crops

A large number of elements water-soluble fertilizer is a kind of formula fertilizer, high-quality water-soluble fertilizer generally have several formulas, from the seedling period to the harvest period ,farmers can find the appropriate formulas, if the packaging clearly said that there is a special fertilizer for a certain crop, 1-2 formulas, this kind of fertilizer is not reliable.

Thirdly, check its products implementation stardand

It should be noted here that what we usually refer to as full water-soluble fertilizer and drip irrigation fertilizer is in fact the common name of its product is water soluble fertilizer with a large number of elements, and the common implementation standard is NY1107-2010, if the package does not appear to be of this standard, it is not a water-soluble fertilizer with a large number of elements. A number of water-soluble fertilizers with a large number of elements are labeled with standards beginning with GB, indicating that such products are unqualified.

Additional, see its even whether to have fertilizer to registered number, if farmer has doubt to the product,he can check its fertilizer register number on internet, eligible manufacturer to be able to check, if failed, which explain this product is unqualified.

Fourthly, whether the heavy metal content is marked

The content of heavy metals and water insoluble substances in a large number of elemental water-soluble fertilizers produced by regular factories are lower than the national standards with obvious products labeling. If the fertilizer package does not label the content of heavy metals and water intolerance, you should be caution.

Dissolve a little fertilizer in water

High-quality water-soluble fertilizer with a large number of elements can dissolve rapidly in water, the solution is clear and there is no residue or precipitate. If the fertilizer cannot be completely dissolved in water and there is residue, the quality of fertilizer is not very good.

Look at the fertilizer particles

The granules of good quality water-soluble fertilizer are homogeneous and crystallized (the granules are about the same size as those of salt). If water soluble fertilizer fertilizer particle size is different, one of the large particles similar to compound fertilizer or urea particle size, it is best not to buy.

Fifthly, application technology of water-soluble fertilizer

The application of water-soluble fertilizer with the integrated technology of water and fertilizer has brought a lot of convenience to agricultural production, but it will also bring disaster if it is not used well. Therefore, the fertilization time and the amount of fertilizer must be strictly controlled.

Fertilize time when watering and fertilizing, the temperature of water should be close to the ground temperature as far as possible, and do not flood irrigation.
Winter shed watering, as far as possible in the morning watering;
Summer as far as possible to choose in the afternoon or evening watering.
If you don’t use a dropper, water it as often as possible.

Sixthly, water-soluble fertilizer production line introduction

 The complete equipment for water soluble fertilizer blending is a new generation of fully automatic batching equipment with the functions of batching, blending and packaging, which is specially researched and developed based on the experience in the manufacturing of formula fertilizer equipment at home and abroad as well as on customer feedback. The static measuring by ground belt has solved the problem of big error caused by common belt measuring and the problem of mixture separation caused by the difference in material proportion and granularity, thus improving the production and precision of batching.
Schematic Map of  Drip Irrigation Fertilizer production line

This article is contributed by Beidou Overseas Business Department. Welcome you to repost.

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The previous blog is ” What Is The Difference Between Expensive Fertilizer& Cheap Fertilizer ?”

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