Why More Fertilization But Lower Yield ?

 Why More Fertilization But Lower Yield ?
Why more fertilization but lower crop yield? One word concludes: our soil is sick because of overuse fertilizer! There is a serious shortage of organic fertilizer and soil organic matters.
 There are three main effects of excessive fertilizer on crops:
One is crop lodging.Lodging once appeared, it will inevitably lead to crop decrease;
Another is prone to cause insect pests, if nitrogen fertilizer application too much, it will make the crops resistant to disease and insect weakened, susceptible to disease and insect infection.
Finally, there is a soil degradation: it changes in soil acidity.

The fertilizer industry has grown rapidly in the last 30 years and now accounts for 80 percent of the fertilizer market.

Fertilisers play an important role in feeding a rapidly expanding population, but the quality of farmland is declining as a result of high levels of predatory farming.

According to the figures, China now has 65% of its low – and medium-yield farmland. Fundamentally, sustainable food security cannot be achieved without healthy soil.A data shows that organic fertilizers play a significant role in the fertilizer structure of European and American countries. In the United States, organic fertilizers account for 46%. Britain accounts for 57%; Germany accounts for 60%; France accounted for 37 per cent; Australia accounts for 55%; Canada accounts for 60%; South Korea accounted for 48%; Japan’s is very high 76%.

People produce crops, they take the life out of the soil, and then they just throw in chemical fertilizers and pesticides and ignore the organic inputs, and they don’t really think about what the soil needs. This will inevitably lead to the continuous loss of life elements in the soil, decades down, this loss is very serious. Eventually, the soil could not support, food production is not increased, fruit and vegetable tasteless, and so on, the phenomenon is more and more bad.

This article is contributed by Beidou Overseas Business Department. Welcome you to repost.

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The previous blog is ” Many Fake Fertilizer In The Market, Try Not To Buy Such Fertilizers”

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